Tuesday, October 25, 2005


Maybe I'm reading too much into it. But I saw something today (as you know, this happens a lot!) that I had never seen before. You probably have ascertained that I am reading about Samuel. What a man he was! But only because he sought after God. Sometimes I don't think Samuel gets his due, but that's another story for another day for another blog.
He was considered in Scripture as a judge. He traveled from town to town ruling on disputes throughout Israel. In fact, the Bible says that he ran a circuit from Bethel to Gilgal to Mizpah. Meaning, he traveled a lot.
Here's what I had never seen before. Listen to these words: "But he always went back to Ramah, where his home was, and there he also judged Israel." Where his home was. In spite of all the traveling, he never forgot where home was.
My married daughter wants to spend time with us when her husband is working. At first, I found that a little strange. Really, she just wants a free meal. But when I started thinking about it, that is home. I know, I know, her home is with her husband. But her home was with us far longer, she is just developing the one with her spouse.
Maybe that's why I've had such a hard time dealing with my mother's death. Even after Dad died, Mom was stilll home. Now that she's gone, home is gone. I love my home with my wife and married daughter and almost driving teenage son. But originally, my home was with my parents.
Make a spiritual application here. Jesus said, where your treasure is, there will your heart be also. Heaven. . .Home. And the older I get, the more people I know have gone on and I want to see them again. And I will. Paul said, "I'm stuck between a rock and a hard place. I want to go be with Jesus which is far better. But if I go, the work here will suffer." (Philippians 1:23, 24, MOV {My Own Version}). Where's your home? Don't forget where it really is. Have a great day! JW


Donna G said...

I used to feel guilty because I still called my Mother's house "home" even after being gone for more than 25 years. But you make an excellent point.

As the years go by and people get to move on to the other side, I long for it more and more.

P.S. I LOVE the MOV!

Karen said...

Maybe it's because we have moved around so much, but we don't think of the places we grew up as home any more. There is only one place that feels like home to us, the only place that ever really felt like home in all our years of moving wherever the Air Force sent us, and you're there. And you know that you and Martha are just 2 of the reasons it still feels like home to us.