Thursday, June 23, 2005

Terrible Timing

This is my second murder. They don't get any easier. I was so angry this morning when I got out of my car. I still don't understand why a precious girl would have to suffer a frightening ordeal as Sarah did.
Let me tell you about the other one. It's all about terrible timing. George Shepherd and his wife went to the doctor's office because George had an appointment. (Little did he know it was an appointment with his God, not his doctor.) So did one of the residents of the county jail. A new (less than 6 months) deputy was commissioned to take this young inmate to the doctor. While in the waiting room, the inmate took the deputy's gun and shot him point blank in the chest. He then proceeded to leave the office. George and Sue were walking up to the office at that point. Seeing what was happening, George tackled the man with the gun. Evidently, his arm with the gun were still free and he pointed it at Sue threatening to kill her. George struggled with the prisoner some more and he turned the gun on George and shot him. I believe it was the inferior vena cava that was nicked and George bled to death.
The funeral was somewhat of a media event. The place was packed, TV cameras wanted to come into the chapel, everyone gawked at this hero. The sheriff's office made a commendation at the funeral. I still remember the words I said. "Many are surprise that such a common man would do such an uncommon thing. But he learned it from his Savior. For, years ago Jesus gave His life so that others could live. George was just emulating his Lord."
I keep going to II Corinthians 4. "Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. For our light and momentary trouble are achieving for us a glory that far outweighs them all. So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary. But what is unseen is eternal." Amen, Paul. That's where I've placed my stake in the ground today.

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