Wednesday, March 30, 2005


This is my first attempt at blogging. I've read others and have enjoyed reading what they have to say. But this is the first time I've done my own.

It's raining where I live right now. I'm always amazed at the way God uses these times to bring life, freshness, and recreation. Life is similar. We want it to be sunshine all the time. But I read a proverb that said, "All sunshine doth a desert make." So it does take some rain in our lives to help create goodness. I understand it intellectually, but sometimes I don't understand emotionally.

Have a good day! May God bless you today.



bobo said...

Well part of having a blog is that completely random people, such as myself, can come across it and write whatever we want. Hooyah! Good luck with your blog and I hope that God blesses you too.


JP said...

Yes, good luck with your blog, remember, its all about Him! God bless

David U said...

HEY MY BROTHER! WELCOME to the bloggin world! You are going to be a GREAT blogger, cause you are great at everything you do, because you are a great man of FAITH! I look forward to reading your post for MANY years to come. I anticipate you rocking my world, and many other readers also. Now if we can just get big Bob to join us! :)

I love you brother!

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Jim --

Found my own thoughts that I will have to share regarding doubt and faith coexisting at the same time. Thanks for a great class b/c it really helped me understand something.

Love ya brother!!!

Karen said...

Hiya Jim!

Thanks for letting me know you entered the world of blogdom.I cannot wait to hear more of your thoughts... Sundays just aren't enough. It's good to know I will be able to look in on you here after Brian and I (and the kids) are out on the left coast!

Love you!

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Oh, almost forgot...look at my blog when you get a chance: