Monday, November 14, 2011

Stained Glass Churches

We have a beautiful building. Our speaker on Sunday commented that he could tell that our church building was not built by a Church of Christ architect because of the design. It's a building in the round and it has a lot of stained glass. We all chuckled at the thought.
But as I contemplated what he said, I started to look at the glass. From the outside, as people drive by I'm sure there are those who would say, "What a beautiful building! Look at that stained glass." If they judge what is on the inside by what is on the outside, they would we are just the best people. But on the inside, we have people with problems. They are struggling with life. Some are hypocrites. Some are only Sunday Christians (if there is such a thing). But we have our problems. Still, wonderful people as a rule, but sinners nonetheless.
Those of us on the inside can't see out because of the windows. Interesting concept....can't see outside because the windows are stained glass. Sometimes we sit in our little enclosed pen and the world passes by and we don't see the problems that await right outside our doors because we can't see it. I'm praying now that we don't live in the stained glass church building. It's my desire to see us living in the world but not of the world. I want us to see what's happening so that we can show them Jesus. Not our church. Not our doctrine. Not our belief, per se. But Jesus. When they see Jesus, then they'll want to know more about us. Let's pray that's what happens. Have a great day.


Brian Osisek said...

Jim, interesting thoughts on the church.

I did a series on the "mission of the church" and a series on "communication" along with various other relevant topics

Stop by and share your thoughts:

Unknown said...

You said "I want us to see what's happening so that we can show them Jesus. Not our church. Not our doctrine. Not our belief, per se. But Jesus. When they see Jesus, then they'll want to know more about us."
Wouldn't it be interesting if you did show them Jesus through your actions, through the goodness of your character and they replied "I know that guy, that's Allah" or "I know him, that's Buddha"

When that spirit is within us the words we use are subjective.

I enjoy your perspective. Thank you for sharing.

Arial Alexis LionessofGod said...

Love it. :) So true.

Anonymous said...

I went to a Church of Christ Service recently in a very nice looking building. It also had large beautiful windows, though not stained glass. I often just go to churches because the outside of the building catches my eye. You see I don't have a regular home church or denomination because I don't believe in denominations. Christ never intended for there to be so many divisions. "A house divided cannot stand." So, after the service, I asked one on the members about their particular set of beliefs. Specifically, I wanted to know why there was another Church of Christ just two blocks away. That person told me that the other church was instrumental and they were not. "What does that mean," I asked the man. "They use musical instruments in their services and we don't," he replied."You have got to be kidding me. That's your big doctrinal difference, whether to use instruments or not,"I said. I couldn't believe it. To divide a church over such a trivial and mundane issue as that. I told him that we as Christians have bigger fish to fry and suggested that they settle their differences and get it together. Now I don't know you or what you believe but my message to all Christians of all denominations is the same. We need to all get it together and present a unified face to the non-Christian world because time is running out and we are under attack. America and the world is suffering from a crisis of faith. Most of my family are self proclaimed atheists and get tired of hearing me preach but I still love them and won't give up on them. So please post this and even if you don't I would like to hear from you and hear your thoughts on this. Bill Huber