Sunday, June 21, 2009

It's Sunday!

I like being up early on Sunday mornings. It's at this time I contemplate what is about to happen. The sermon has been finished since Thursday although preparation has been going on for a long time. The anticipation builds because something good is about to happen.
There is someone today who needs this sermon. That's the beauty of it. I don't know who it is and may never know. And I really don't care who it is. When God is totally in control, the seed falls on the hearts and I don't have to worry about anything.
I'll preach and try to stay completely out of the way. That's hard to do for some preachers (and I have to admit, it's hard for me). See, we want the credit. I want someone to come along and give me some credit. Yeah, it's God's message and God's words. But I want someone to come up and say, "That was the best sermon..." "Preacher, how do you do it week in and week out?" "That was awesome!" Instead, I have to pray each week that God take my feeble words and make them into what He wants said. I have to ask to take me completely out of the picture. And I often pray that I get no response complimenting me...just make sure that God is honored and glorified and praised. At the end of each sermon, as I walk to the back, I apologize that my little effort hasn't matched up to the greatness of God's majesty. But he took a little stone and killed a giant, he can take little words and do great things for His glory.
Sound strange coming from a preacher? I imagine that goes through the mind of many, many preachers each week. It's time to go now. Great things are about to happen. God's people are getting ready to meet. God is in their midst. Have a great day! JW


GK said...

Your blog continues to encourage me, usually just when I need it most. I know that's God at work, but I'm still going to say thank you for letting him use you!

pinakidion said...


You sound like our preacher. Thank you for the encouragement of your personal website. I don't comment much, but I the site all the same.