Monday, September 16, 2013


Some of you may remember when it was time for church services to start and people were still talking, we would often sing this song to quiet things down.

The Lord is in His holy temple,
Let all the earth keep silence before Him.
Keep silence, keep silence,
Keep silence before Him.

Beautiful song. Bad theology. Habakkuk is complaining to God that He just isn't listening to him. Why, if he (Habakkuk) were in charge, things would be a lot different. Habakkuk just thinks God is allowing injustice to go one and that He (God) is doing nothing about it. God doesn't come out and really answer Habakkuk's question. But basically, He says, "I am God and you are not. Maybe if you were to just be quiet for a moment, maybe, just maybe, you might just get a glimpse of who I am." (MOV--My Own Version) Hence, we have Habakkuk 2:20--But the Lord is in his holy temple; let all the earth be silent before him.

It's similar to Psalm 46:10 where David writes, "Be still, and know that I am God..." So often our busyness makes us so oblivious to God's presence that we so often overlook Him. God tells us two things. One, He is God and we are His creation. Who are we to tell God what to do? Two, as we often have to tell a little child who is constantly moving around, "Be still!" For in our stillness, we may finally catch a glimpse of His glory.

My encouragement to you....stop and hear God. He wants a relationship with you. He wants you to hear His voice. He wants to communicate. But we cannot hear Him when our volume is turned all the way up and our lives are on the fast track. Be still. Keep silent. He wants you to hear Him.

I hope you have a good day! JW

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