Tuesday, December 03, 2013


I sat in a living room where I've sat many times for many years. In so many ways, it looks just as it did when I first started going over to the house when I was 16 years old. As a young boy (and I was a young boy) I was down the food chain quite a ways. I didn't sit at the head of the table. That was my father-in-law's chair. I was fortunate to even sit at the adult table. And land's know, I wasn't the one to pray for the meal. That was all right. I wasn't the one with the wisdom nor the age nor the character. I was young.

Over the years, my status (for lack of a better word) improved. After all, I had now married into the family. I still sat in the same living room. The meals were still phenomenal. The fellowship was even better. But the roles didn't change much. Family prayer was still lead by the patriarch or someone else older than me.

But things change. People die. Others get sick. And as I sat in the living room this year, my thoughts were on those who had been before me. I sat at the head of the table. I lead the family prayer. To tell you the truth, it was humbling. I found myself wanting those who had gone before back. I wasn't supposed to be in this position. I'm not the patriarch. Not even close. It's just my privilege to be a part of a family who believe that God is in control, that He is the true leader of the household, and that He is to be worshiped and adored.

So now I think of what I'm passing on. What example am I leaving for my children and their spouses? What will I leave to my grandson and unnamed, yet to be born granddaughter? I, too, must pass the torch on. Just what am I'm leaving to them?


Sabrina said...

I like your blog!

Sabrina said...

I like your blog! The ipad entry is really funny.