Monday, January 17, 2011

Prohibition or Freedom?

I've often said that we could answer most if not all of our church questions if one little conundrum were settled. Silence of the Scriptures; does it mean prohibition or freedom? Really, you can't have it both ways. That's what happens to most of my friends who believe that it means prohibition.
For example, they may place restrictions on some things in worship, but allow worship leaders, church buildings, song books, church vans, or many other things that we use. (I know we don't use church vans in corporate worship. I just threw that in for fun. But I think you see what I'm saying.) Now if silence means restriction, then how can we justify these preceding things that we so readily use? Expedience. That's the words my friends use to justify the use of unlisted items. So how can we pick and choose?
May I give an example that God allows some things that aren't necessarily mentioned in Scripture? If you read about Jesus' life on this earth, note where He went to teach. Most of the Gospels use a phrase such as, "as was his custom...." He went to the synagogue. Where do you find the synagogue in the Scripture? Where is the authorization? It's not in the Old Testament. It's not in the New Testament. We first read about it there in the first four books of the New Testament. When Paul went on his missionary journeys, where did he go? He first went to the synagogues. The synagogues developed in the 400 years between the Old Testament and the New Testament. They are not authorized places of worship, yet we find Jesus going there....and never saying anything about them. With that, He gave tacit approval.
Now, in the age we live in now, wouldn't the same be true? I'm not calling for "anything goes" because I think you can get a general feeling by reading the New Testament what is appropriate or not. But there is a freedom that is given to us that comes from silence of the Scriptures.
Now, I'm sure there are those who would not agree with me. That's all right. These are just my thoughts and this is my blog. But I would appreciate your consideration. I hope your day is a good one. JW

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