Thursday, December 06, 2007

Westroads Mall Tragedy

Yesterday afternoon at the Westroads Mall in Omaha, about 1/2 mile from my house, a young man went into to Von Maur (an upscale store similar to Dillards) and opened fire on innocent Christmas shoppers. Try to understand why and you'll come up short. Attempt to understand the loss of those whose loved ones were innocently murdered and you'll find yourself feeling empty.
Why did this happen? We live in a fallen world. Satan and his minions work hard. And we allow God to be kicked out of Christmas, out of our government, out of our schools, and we wonder why this happened. The only moral standard, if there is one, is the common good. Situational ethics allows us to do what's "right" in light of the present circumstance.
The answer? I can think of only one. Jesus. Only Jesus could have given young Robbie Hawkins the sense of value that he so longed for. Instead, he felt like human debris. It's a sad day, but one one that helps us to realize our need for the Savior. JW

1 comment:

Shane Coffman said...

So sorry to hear about all of that...