Friday, August 29, 2008

He's Doing Fine

We talked to him for quite awhile last night. He was in his dorm room early (10:15) and he sounded different. It was as if he'd grown up in just one week's time. Either that or he's tired and hasn't been able to shake his cold. But he's already having a great experience. He's already jumped into the fray of extra-curricular activities. He's learning new skills (playing the piano--a requirement for a music major), struggling with classes some (Dad, astronomy's a killer and I'm having a hard time understanding major and minor scales), and figuring out what a Christian school is about.
He said that prayed before Bible class and before chorus and before history. He said, "They did cardboard testimonies in chapel. I was embarrassed because I cried and cried." He's already been to one professor's home and will be at another's tonight. In contrast, he talked to a friend ofhis who's gone to a very secular school. "Have you talked to Ben?" we asked. "Yeah, he's spending most of his free time in his room. He's so lonely." We talked to Cameron who was in his room (not his roommate). Dylan was obvious in the background of the phone conversation. (also not his roommate). His roommate is running cross country and they seem to be getting along fine. He's meeting new people. The Spirit is moving in his life better than I could have prayed for.
Oh, I know. Satan's still lurking. But he couldn't be in a better place. And I couldn't be happier for him. Thank you, Lord. Have a great day!! JW

Monday, August 18, 2008

Empty Nest

He just went to bed. It's late...nearly 2:00 am and I won't have the opportunity to have him say "goodnight" too many more times. At least, not from my own house. We golfed today. We ate out tonight. It's almost as if we don't want to say anything even though we know the time is short.
Don't get me wrong. This is what we have prepared to do all his life. This is what's supposed to happen. Like the mother bird forces her babies from the nest. He's excited and I'm excited for him. It's just that our job is done. I know, I know, we are paying the bills and talking to him regularly and paying more bills. But to see him every day, well, that's done.
He's made mistakes. But who hasn't? And Lord knows, I've made my share and then some. He's had his accomplishments. Lots of them. I'm proud of him and I know he'll have more. Tonight, as my tears flow, I know everything changes now. The nest is empty. He's not our little boy anymore...and he hasn't been for awhile. But today, it seemed like it as I rubbed his head. When he returns, he'll be a man.
What's in store for him? I guess that's what's scary. Satan is a mean and evil force and would love to sift him like wheat. God (and me) want only good for him. Now I don't make the decisions. I haven't made that many for several years anyway. But now, really, I don't make hardly any. The apron strings are being cut and he'll have to decide for his life. Choose wisely, son. Pursue God, I mean, really pursue Him. The book of James says to resist Satan and he'll run away. But if you come close to God, He'll come close to you. So this old dad sits here tonight (early this morning!) with tears in his eyes and he thinks of those years since December 15, 1989 when he came into this world. As I used to wipe your eyes of your tears, I pray God will wipe away mine. God bless you, son.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008


I've been getting reacquainted. It's been too long and I've allowed the relationship to slip. It certainly wasn't intentional, but nonetheless, it happened. By this time, you're probably wondering who I am talking about. Was it an old friend with whom I had a falling out? Was it a family member? Just who was it? The answer to the above questions is "yes."
You see, I've allowed the Holy Spirit to get away from me. I've quit listening. I've been remiss by not allowing Him to lead me. Of course, it is I who makes the decision to follow. He never forces. He just reminds, guides, prompts, and then I follow. Now you're saying, "Jim is certifiably crazy! He's lost it." That's all right. Listen to these verses.

This is what we speak, not in words taught us by human wisdom but in words taught by the Spirit, expressing spiritual truths in spiritual words. The man without the Spirit does not accept the things that come from the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him, and he cannot understand them, because they are spiritually discerned. I Corinthians 2:13, 14

What blows me away about this passage is the way it ends. I have it circled in my Bible. It says:

But we have the mind of Christ.

Think about that for a minute. The mind of Christ. If we allow Him to work, we will be His hands. We will be His ears. We will speak His words. And oh, what a wonderful life it will be. Call me crazy. That's all right. But I'm going to choose to listen to His promptings. Have a great day. JW

Monday, August 04, 2008

It's Over

We're back. After a great time of spiritual uplift, my son, daughter, son-in-law, and I are back from camp. What a great time of beautiful singing, wonderful classes, and just terrific time of fellowship. It was truly an awesome week.
I knew I was home when I went to pick up glasses that had been ordered two weeks ago and they weren't in. Then I proceeded to the Alltel store because my phone had been doing some crazy things and they told me it was gone. With ten months on my contract, basically my option was to get a new phone. Grrr. But I was not going to let this get to me. The week at camp was far more satisfying than any stuff that had or had not come in or a phone that didn't work.
Satan is a sly old thing. He's not going to win this round. I'm sure I'll have to fight him again, but for now I'm still hearing "How Great is Our God" sung by nearly 200 campers filling the hills with that glorious anthem. I'm still basking in the encouragement of friends and campers, counselors and elders. How can you not be encouraged when you receive a note that says in part, "I love you and pray God will always bless you." Or how about, "Thank you for your time, love, and wisdom that you give so graciously every year." I don't tell you those things to brag on myself. I tell you those things to let you see the encouragement that comes from such weeks. God bless our Christian camps! May they always be there! May they always prosper. May they always proclaim how great is our God! Have a great day! JW
P.S. It's good to be home!