Friday, August 29, 2008

He's Doing Fine

We talked to him for quite awhile last night. He was in his dorm room early (10:15) and he sounded different. It was as if he'd grown up in just one week's time. Either that or he's tired and hasn't been able to shake his cold. But he's already having a great experience. He's already jumped into the fray of extra-curricular activities. He's learning new skills (playing the piano--a requirement for a music major), struggling with classes some (Dad, astronomy's a killer and I'm having a hard time understanding major and minor scales), and figuring out what a Christian school is about.
He said that prayed before Bible class and before chorus and before history. He said, "They did cardboard testimonies in chapel. I was embarrassed because I cried and cried." He's already been to one professor's home and will be at another's tonight. In contrast, he talked to a friend ofhis who's gone to a very secular school. "Have you talked to Ben?" we asked. "Yeah, he's spending most of his free time in his room. He's so lonely." We talked to Cameron who was in his room (not his roommate). Dylan was obvious in the background of the phone conversation. (also not his roommate). His roommate is running cross country and they seem to be getting along fine. He's meeting new people. The Spirit is moving in his life better than I could have prayed for.
Oh, I know. Satan's still lurking. But he couldn't be in a better place. And I couldn't be happier for him. Thank you, Lord. Have a great day!! JW

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