Monday, March 28, 2011

Liberal or Conservative

I received a call last week asking about our Wednesday evening services. We have no services on Wednesday evening, only small groups that meet. The gentleman asked about Sunday services and after giving him the information, we hung up. Several minutes later the same person called again and asked several interesting questions.
First, he asked what my position was with the church. Then he asked, "Are you liberal or conservative?" I chuckled and told him I couldn't answer that. To some we are liberal and to others we are conservative. He said he understood, then he asked the two questions that I assume were acid tests to him. (I'm not making this up.) He asked, "Do you use instrumental music?" I told him we didn't, but we did use videos that had instrumental music in them. "In classes?" he retorted. No, we use them in worship. Then came the next question. "Does your church have potlucks?" "All the time," I replied. He then hung up.
I may be wrong, but my assumption is this gentleman thinks we are liberal. Heaven forbid we have potlucks, especially in the building. This reminded me of an e-mail I received several years ago asking about divorce/remarriage, eating in the building, and a number of other things. I'm always amused at the way we determine whether a church is liberal or conservative. I hope I'm liberal with God's love. I hope I'm conservative with my criticism. It's my prayer that I'm liberal with God's grace and mercy and conservative with my judgments and speck finding.
This gentleman may have come to our services Sunday. Maybe he found what he was looking for. I'm more concerned that Jesus finds what He's looking for in us. Have a great day! JW

1 comment:

Theresa Michelle said...

Life is short to get bent out of shape about such things. "So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God." 1 Corinthians 10:31

You're a wise man, Jim. Our congregation is so blessed to have you!