Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Do I Make You Proud?

I am extremely proud of both of my kids. I don't tell them enough how much they mean to me and what a joy they are in my life. Now, they don't always do as I want, but by their lives they please me.
Last night I was listening to my son's show choir as they sang a song by Taylor Hicks, "Do I Make You Proud?". Try sitting through that without getting tears in your eyes. It began a walk down memory lane. As I thought of both of my kids, my daughter with her curls and big bow in her hair and my son with his big brown eyes, it blew me away to realize that my nest will be empty next year. They have grown up, they are becoming mature. They're crossing over to "my" side.
Our Father is the same way with us. Listen to this, "By faith, Enoch was taken from this life, so that he did not experience death; he could not be found because God had taken him away. For before he was taken, he was commended as one who pleased God." He pleased God. God was proud of him. I imagine that God looks on us and says, "See that one? He's mine. I'm proud of him/her." That seems to have been the conversation with Satan concerning Job.
Isn't that our life? Shouldn't that be what we're about? Doing our best to glorify the Father who has done so much for us? It is my duty, my responsiblity to please God.
Father, in my life I pray that my deeds and my actions are such that they make you proud of me. Forgive me when I'm not proud of You. Please forgive my stubborn ways. I pray that my life glorifies you every day. In Jesus name, Amen.
Have a great day. JW


Karen said...

Big Amen from the left coast here.

Just saw the news that Nate is playing the Beast. I hope you get this on DVD. I *must* see it!

preacherman said...

Great post brother.
I hope you have a great week.
God bless. :-)