Tuesday, February 10, 2009


Please pardon my pessimism and negativity this day. There have just been too many things in the press lately that have kind of set me off. First, I'm so tired of hearing of bailing out, stimulus packaging, and every other kind of economic wrangling that is going on. But that's probably the least of what's bothering me.
Have you noticed, that our society questions Christians for having any kind of morals. "Why do you do such things?" they query. They laugh because we stand up for right and wrong. They question if there is such a thing as right or wrong. They scorn anyone who makes a stand. Yet, the first time someone is caught smoking marijuana with a bong, it's headlines! John Edwards cheats on his wife, and the outrage in press! Now I agree, but why the double standard?
Finally, the other thing that set me off today was on FOX News. There was a girl singing a song commemerating the crash of flight 1549. Now, forgive me for my cynicism, but could this be a ploy to cash in and make a little money on this accident on the Hudson? Okay, there you have it. It's a beautiful day outside. Supposed to be nearly 60. I'd better enjoy it. Thank you for letting me vent a little. I hope your day is a good one (better than mine has started! "I'm happy today, oh yes, I'm happy today...." JW

1 comment:

debbers57 said...

I totally agree with you!! Good thoughts! George has started call the bailout package..."Pork...the new White house meat". It is strange what we in this country get upset with...My biggest upset with this administration is the abortion plans they are making...It is SICK!! While I was not a Bush lover I certainly appreciated his morals!! I'm afraid this country is going to hell in a hand basket!! sorry!! Just had to say that!!

Get outside and enjoy the incredible day!!! I am! Deb