Monday, July 09, 2007

Some Days are Diamond...

In southwest Arkansas, there is a little town called Murfreesboro. Near that little burg is a state park that consists of 37 acres of dirt. You can go in there anytime, pay a fee, and dig to your heart's content. What you can find in this little state park are diamonds. It's called Crater of Diamonds State Park. In 2006 there were diamonds found that were 6.35 carats, 5.47 carats, 4.21 carats, and 2.37 carats. This year, one has been found that is 2.67 carats. I have heard of people who take their lawn chairs and sit and watch the field. If they see something glisten, they'll send someone to the spot to dig.
Why do I tell this little story? There have been so many times that I feel as if I have read the Bible and found everything I can find. Whenever I hear someone preach, I've heard the topic and I'm up to date on everything that's said on the topic. I wonder if anything I say is a new thought to anyone else. Sounds arrogant, doesn't it? You see, that's the devil talking. He wants us to admit mundane. He thrives in the ordinary and wants us to always have mountaintop experiences. He gloats in us sitting by the property in our lawn chairs just waiting for something to come to us.
But then it happens. I read a passage I have read hundreds, yea thousands of times. And there it is...something I've never seen before. I have uncovered the nugget that has been there all along, I've just not been patient enough. I have to admit, the most comments I get on a sermon come after one that I think I've bombed on. So I have quit swinging for the fence. I just keep digging and digging and digging. It's in those moments when God reveals His splendor to me. I know He does the same for you.
John Denver used to sing a song, "Some Days are Diamond, Some Days are Stone." Satan wants us to dwell in the stone age. I want to find the diamond. I hope this is a diamond day for you. Have a good one. JW

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