Thursday, March 22, 2007

Little Decisions, Big Results

I'm debating as to what to write about today. Several things are swirling through my mind. That could be dangerous. Oh, well, I guess I just need to pick one.
I read the book of Ruth yesterday. This book is short, yet so full of great stuff. First you have Ruth telling her mother-in-law that she'll go wherever she goes. You know the's the one we use in weddings all the time. Really, it's about unconditional love that a daughter-in-law has for her mother-in-law. But the real story is about what happens after that.
It looks as if Ruth won't get to marry Boaz because there is another kinsman-redeemer in line. But once he finds out there's another wife involved, he backs off the land deal real quickly. Eventually, he takes his sandal off and gives it to Boaz and Ruth becomes his.
But that's not the story. Boaz and Ruth marry and have children. They live happily ever after. They have kids and Naomi becomes a grandmother. Now we're getting close, but it's still not quite the story. The story is that because of Ruth's love and dedication to Naomi, we have a savior. The promised seed that was first promised to Abraham stays intact and we have the Messiah. You see, sitting on the lap of Naomi is her grandson, Obed. Sound familiar? Obed was the father of Jesse who was the father of David. Don't ever underestimate those "little" decisions that you make. And certainly, don't ever underestimate what God will do with those who offer their lives in His service. Have a great day. JW

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