Thursday, March 08, 2007

Time Keeps on Slippin', Slippin', Slippin' Into the Future

I have been reading a book called Margin as well as leading a Sunday evening class by the same name. Dr. Richard Swenson (I believe that's his name) writes very concisely about what we do to our lives. We live life on the edge. (In fact, the new Ford commercial gleefully sings, "I like to live on the edge!") Our lives get going faster and faster as we emulate the hamster in the wheel.
So notice something with me. Jesus says, "Go into all the world and preach the gospel..." Notice he didn't say, "Go, go, go into all the world..." The old song is so pertinent, "Slow down, you're going to fast. You've got to make the moments last..." I've got a trip coming up next week that I'm looking forward to and I'm dreading. My family is going to the happiest place on earth. At least that's the way they describe it. But it's based on hurry here, go there, stand in line over here. I want to enjoy the time. Slow life down. Lands knows it goes too fast.
I'm working on this. I'm not very good at it, yet. Getting better. Paul said in Ephesians, "Be very careful, then, how you live (walk, KJV)--not as unwise but as wise, making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil." He's not saying the days are bad. Maybe Paul know what it was for the days to fly past. Notice, though, "make the most of every opportunity." For just one day, let's try that. Have a great day. JW

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