Tuesday, February 03, 2009

What Would You Say?

"What do you do when....?" I get these calls occasionally. This time it was from someone trying to comfort a grieving friend. A young person had died in an accident. Lands knows preachers have to go through these kinds of things all the time. You'd think they would teach you about this in school. All the text books written, all the explanations, all the advice given, you still are at a loss for what to do.
You can explain that we live in a lost and fallen world, but how much comfort does that give someone who has lost their dearest friend on earth? You know what I told her? I said, "Put your arms around her and tell her, "I am so sorry. I will be here for you." Mere presence does and says more than any words can ever say. We're told to "...weep with those who weep." Maybe that's the best advice. It's what Jesus did. I think that's being part of salt and light. Part of loving. Part of being what our Savior wants us to be. Count your blessings today. JW

1 comment:

Karen said...

Spot on. 'Nuff said.