Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Not Happening

I am a little slow blogging today. The reason? I've been struggling with a sermon. Try to explain who God is. Try to relate how He loves us. Try to understand. It's impossible.
So today has been one of those frustrating days...trying to understand, yet knowing I can't. Trying to get my arms around God, but often resisting when He puts his arms around me. Trying to put into words when a thousand lifetimes couldn't explain.
There are a lot of good books that say a lot of good things. But to understand...sorry, it's not happening. That's all right. Once I have God figured out I put Him in a box as J.B. Phillips says. So I'll leave it alone and try to grasp how wide and long, high and deep God's love is. Have a great day. JW


Donna G said...

I'm just glad I am not the only one who struggles with this....

Karen said...

Does anyone understand?

I would like to hear what you come up with, though. Send me your notes??