Monday, August 21, 2006

Dumb Rabbit

I saw a rabbit outside of our church building the other day. What was interesting was that he didn't move when I drove up. It wasn't until I got pretty close to him that he limped off. By limping off, I mean, he only had three legs. Something had already gotten one of his legs. I felt bad about calling him a stupid rabbit, but I went on my way.
Today, I saw the same rabbit, this time up closer to the building. I walked right up to him until I was about 5 feet away. He was eating some grass in the yard, so I left him alone. This time, I noticed something else. He was blind in his right eye. His right leg looked as if something had tried to chew it off also. I think his name is "Lucky." It wasn't until I made a loud noise with my keys that he turned his head enough to see me with his good eye.
Call me crazy, but I see a spiritual application to this. How many times do we see someone who is seemingly oblivous to what's going on around him and we just shake our heads and call them stupid? We don't know the circumstances nor the situation. Upon closer examination, we realize the disabilities they might have. Perhaps we should take more time and examine, be more compassionate, more caring, more considerate, more loving. That's what draws me to Jesus. He sees beyond the wounds, the scars, and the hurts...and He loves me for what I am. Have a great day. JW

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