Tuesday, August 08, 2006

The Voice of God

We end every night at camp at the steps. No matter what has gone on, no matter what time it is, it's the closure to the night. The steps (kind of a large amphitheater about halfway down the valley. Remember? Green Valley Bible Camp. And you thought people from Arkansas were dum.) :)
This particular evening I was through with my duties and I was walking back to my camper. The darkness of the evening just amplified the sounds in my ears. I could hear all of the chattering of the kids and staff as they were saying their goodnights. As I walked away, the sounds started to fade and it became quieter. The sounds of the talking were replaced by the sounds of the night...the chirping crickets, the locusts. All of a sudden, I felt very much in God's presence. Not that God can't be present among His people, but it was a very private, personal moment. I thought of these words, "Above the noise of selfish strife we heart Thy voice of Son of Man." I also thought of the verse that says, "Be still, and know that I am God." It was as if in all the hubbub of camp, the noise of the day still ringing in my ears, that God was saying to me, "Remember, I'm still here." It was one of those moments I treasure. It wasn't the resounding voice of God that you hear in the movies. It was a quiet moment where I heard His whisper. One of those personal moments where God and I communed. More realistically, He spoke and I listened. Oh, for more moments like that. I pray the same for you. Have a great day. JW

1 comment:

Tracy said...

I long for more moments like that...Camp was always my highlight of the year. That's why I married a youth minister...so I could keep going to camp(hehe). Camp always brought peaceful, quiet moments with God. I need to do a better job of making time for those moments. Thank you for these thoughts!!