Tuesday, September 11, 2007

September 11, 2007

I sat down to write about September 11, 2001. My thoughts were completed when I felt compelled to look back and see if I had commented on this before. Sure enough, I had. Oddly enough, it was almost identical. My conclusions where the same. I'm glad I looked.
You see the world has changed so much, but the solution to our problems is the same. I wrote about it today, then deleted it. It's in my other blog about September 11. The solution is Jesus. I've learned more than I care to know about Islam, politics, and terrorism over the last several years. My desire is to learn more about Jesus. Sounds simple, doesn't it? Simple, yet so hard for people to understand. But when Jesus lived, even then was scandal and upheaval. Yet the cross towers over time and draws us to Him. Lord, please forgive us when we forget about you.
Remember those who lost their lives for all the wrong reasons. Pray that this will never happen again. JW

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