Tuesday, January 15, 2008


There's a lot of talk about leadership these days. I have to admit, I talk a pretty good game about leadership myself. I complain about men not taking the leadership in the home, not taking the leadership at work, not taking the leadership at church.
Open up the book distributors and you'll find any number of books on leadership. Laws of Leadership, Talent is Never Enough, Leadership Handbook of Management and Administration. You get the idea.
No where in Scripture do I find Jesus calling us to leadership. At least, not the kind of leadership that's written and talked about. Our concept of leadership is warped by a worldview of what leadership should be. Taking charge. Taking the initiative. Volunteering. Jesus calls leadership something that nobody else does. He calls it, serving. It's leadership from our knees. He talked of giving cold water in His name. He wrapped a towel around His waist and washed the apostles' feet. He led by serving. That's our call today. That's what we should be doing. Rolling our sleeves up and getting sweaty and dirty. Not worrry about who gets the credit (except for the Lord). And you know, when you're working, it's hard to complain.
Lord, forgive me when I want the lead. By that, I mean the credit, the satisfaction of a job well done. Take the emphasis on me and let me be a servant, just a servant. And Lord, let them see my service and glorify You. I hope you have a great day. JW

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