Thursday, January 10, 2008

Synagogue or Shoreline?

William Barclay in his commentary on the book of Matthew makes an interesting point about Jesus. In chapter 13, Jesus begins by telling the parable of the sower. Barclay says this represents a significant shift in the ministry of Jesus because now He's preaching from the seashore. Before he was speaking from the synagogues. It wasn't that the synagogues were shutting Jesus out, but the door was slowly closing.
Often when I'm in meetings, someone will bring up a particular problem that needs to be addressed. Many times the comment will be made, "Let's have Jim preach a series of sermons on this." As if what I say will automatically change attitudes or actions. I think it represents a shortcoming in our thinking. Instead of "bringing them to church services to hear the gospel," we should be taking the gospel to them. Who is "them"? It's the unchurched. It's those who don't know Jesus. You are a walking, talking example of Jesus...or at least you should be. Just as Jesus left the synagogues and preached by the seashore, we should leave the church buildings and preach it at work, downtown, at the grocery store, everywhere we go. And I'm not talking about preaching the gospel from the street corners. I'm talking about living it. Reacting differently than people expect you to react. Being totally honest in dealings. Not honking and shouting and flailing when someone cuts you off. Instead, truly doing what Jesus would do.
"Let your lights shine so that they may see your Father and glorify Him." That's what the Scripture says. That's what we should do. It's time to go to the shore. Have a great day. JW


Theresa Michelle said...

But that's so hard, Jim! Seriously, thank you for your challenging message, one that keeps us going and showing Jesus to those around us. That's the only way, keep it real.

Missed you today, although Miles did awesome with class, as did Franklin with the sermon. Take care and safe travels.

One Observationist said...

"'Let your lights shine so that they may see your Father and glorify Him.' That's what the Scripture says. That's what we should do. It's time to go to the shore."

That's tough especially when you're not exactly sure what "Let your lights shine" means. It entails so much and yet when you break it down you're left wondering, huh, is this the "right" decision? Is this really what God wants me to do? I guess that's where faith comes in. Unless of course we can also "hear" God in some real and practical way.