Monday, April 28, 2008


So, I'm at a trendy little restaurant with my wife and son the other day and ordering my meal. I'm not crazy about this place, but it was the lesser of two least in my sight. I'm getting the one of two things I pseudo-like on the menu when the girl taking my order asks me, "Would you like protein on that?" Now in my mind, they have a cauldron of protein slop in the back and they take a big dip of this stuff and plop it on the pasta I've ordered. I graciously declined, then noticed what the "protein" was. It was chicken or beef strips or tofu. Why didn't she say that? It sounds a whole lot better than "protein."
This incident got me thinking. We do the same in church. For years we didn't call the gyms we built "gyms." We called them "family life centers" or "fellowship halls" or one of many other names. I have laughingly called them "sanctuasiums." I remember one time being with the Time of Day, a singing group from Harding, when we were in one of these "family life centers." One of the guys looked around during the performance and he was thanking the people for coming out to the show. He said, "We're glad to be at the ______________________ church Family Life Center. You know, where I came from, we call this a gym."
Maybe it's time to call things what they really are. Let's call sin "sin," and grace "grace." Let's not sugar coat things. Let's call a spade a spade. Let's not put protein on it. Have a great day. JW

1 comment:

One Observationist said...

Well, I wish it were that easy, calling a spade a spade. I try to do it, but it's hard. Why? I don't want to get kicked out of my church, lose my job, or have people hate me. I guess maybe I'm just a little paranoid about the whole thing. I must've got that from somewhere. Hmmm.

Jeremy Divis