Monday, January 26, 2009

My Obesity Explained!

I just read a new report that has me both relieved and enlightened. Scientists, and I'm not making this up, have now determined that obesity is caught just like a virus. They say you can get it just by shaking hands with someone. In fact, the virus is called AD-36. All this time, I thought I was too large because I ate too much. It's not that at's because I'm sick!
Here's the quote fromt the article. The virus "infects the lungs then whisks around the body forcing fat cells to multiply and also causing sore throats." The article goes on to say, "When this virus goes to fat tissue it replicates, making more copies of itself and in the process increases the number of fat cells." Finally! A rational explanation of my weight gain. In fact, right now, I'm not feeling well. My throat hurts. And I think I'm hungry. Oh, no, I could be coming down with it again. Is that feed a cold, starve a fever? I never could get that right. Definitely, feed a cold. Have a great day. JW

1 comment:

Amy Heldt said...

I am laughing hysterically right now! Apparently I am sick, too. I wonder if having my tonsils removed will help with the sore throat symptom? Maybe it will make me skinny again, too! Ha!