Saturday, June 18, 2005

Star Wars

How about a little lighter post? I went to see Star Wars III last night. My son warned me about it, but I really wanted to see it. The dialogue was like a high school play. Mr. Lucas, get someone else to do your writing. Just stick to plots. The special effects were really neat and really overwhelming. I guess he decided that if one big star ship was really cool, then ten would be ten times as cool. Not. And if you're going to write a big epic, start with number 1 and work you way up. Don't do 4, 5, 6, and then 1, 2 and 3. After seeing the story at the last, and then seeing the first two plot lines, then it's pretty obvious what's going to happen in the third (last?).
Yoda is still my hero. Any short, green munchkin that can fight like he can has my vote for best actor any day.
Spiritual applications? Well, I guess the main thing would be the choices we make. Faced between good and evil, we make that choice. That's the best I can do with that.
Have fun today. It's Saturday! JW

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