Tuesday, November 07, 2006

What Kind of Campaign Would Jesus Run?

I started writing a post yesterday, but it just didn't flow. Those of you who write know exactly what I'm talking about. So I just erased it and saved it for another day. Today is a slightly different story. Thanks to some timing and events, I'm ready to write.
I voted this morning. Finally, all of the politicians can quit running their commercials on television, they can take their signs down, and they can stop demagoging. (Is that a word? And if it is, did I even come close to spelling it right?) Here's a question. What kind of campaign would Jesus have run? Now I already hear the harummphs about how Jesus wouldn't have been involved in such tomfoolery and you're probably right. But I think I know. He would have kept His mouth shut. When asked who He was before Herod, He never spoke. If you look at Jesus, He rarely told anyone who He was. And when He did, He either told them not to tell anyone or they were not in a position to put it in the Jerusalem Post. He told the woman at the well in John 4. The group of fighting, jealous, egotistical, self-serving apostles, He told. But when He had the opportunity to make it big (some tried to force Him to be King), He hid.
As I listen to the politicians of our day tell us what they are going to do, more often than not, how bad their opponent is, I sense they are looking for power. Power to bring change. Personal power. Power over people. But as the Michael W. Smith song says, (and this is one of those "coincidences." I heard this song right after I voted.) "Above all powers, above all kings, above all nature and all created things." That's my Jesus. It doesn't matter who gets the power here on earth, the real power is represented in our Lord. Have a great day! JW

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