Thursday, August 16, 2007

Elvis, The President, and John

It was 30 years ago today that Elvis died. As we speak people are flocking to Elvis to worship his life. In November it will be forty-four years since the asassination of President Kennedy. I stood at the top of the steps of Willard Elementary and heard one of friends tell me of the president's death. On December 8, 1980 I was driving back from Columbus, OH when I heard of John Lennon's death. It's amazing how many people get all in a dither when it comes to these people and their tragic deaths.
How many, however, remember the death of Jesus? What a privilege it is to take the Lord's meal on Sunday's. There are those who say we cheapen the death of Jesus by partaking of this meal so often. But if that's the only time I think of his death (and by the way, his burial and resurrection), then He's not as important in my life as I think. Read the letters from Paul and see how many times he invokes the name of Jesus. He is my life. Far more important than any of the three already mentioned. Wouldn't it be wonderful if the whole world looked at the sacrifice that Jesus made in the way these mere men are honored? Maranatha. Lord come quickly! Have a great day.

1 comment:

Karen said...

Maybe if Elvis' death day had been so important to me (if I had actually remembered when it was), I'd have picked a different wedding date.

Sometimes during communion, I like to think of the fact that you and the other folks back home did the same thing a couple of hours earlier.