Wednesday, August 08, 2007

It's Really Pretty Dull

I've only written one book. The title is "A Case Study Involving the Critical Factors of Enrollment Management Practices at One Church of Christ University." Yeah, you guessed it. It was my dissertation for my doctorate in education. I finished it because (1) I was paying for tuition to write it and (2) there were four guys sitting around a table waiting for me to finish it. I've started two others that I haven't finished. Perhaps one day I'll get a sabbatical or something and get to finish at least one of them.
But I already have an idea for another book. Typical, isn't it? The title would be "It's Really Pretty Dull." It would be a description of the life of a preacher. Not that my life is dull, but to many it would be terribly mundane. Oh, I get to see the joy of parents as they gaze into their newborn's eyes. I get to see the last breath as a tired saint leaves this life. Seeing a father or a grandfather baptize his child or grandchild has thrilled me beyond measure. But these things don't happen every day. In fact, many days are spent in wading through commentaries and Scriptures trying to extract some meaning or example for a sermon. Or the phone calls of those who are struggling with a particular sin. Perhaps a tragedy that can't be explained except for the fallenness of this world. Reading books, writing blogs, preparing for elders meetings, visiting with benevolence cases, listening to sermons, preparing classes, planning...the list goes on and on.
It could probably best be illustrated by something that happened the other day. I visited with someone whom I rarely see outside of church services. I showed up in my usual weekly apparel--jeans and a polo shirt. "Wow! I never see you looking like this. You usually have a tie on." I think that's how people see the preacher. All flash.
Don't get me wrong. It's a wonderful life. But there is a lot more wandering in the wilderness than there is receiving the 10 commandments on the mountaintop. Paul has just finished a beautiful discourse on knowing Christ when he reveals, what I think, are the same feelings I've just described. He says:

Not that I have already obtained all this, or have already been made perfect, but I press on to take hold of that for which Christ Jesus took hold of me.

Did you see that? He said, "I haven't been able to get all of the 'Wow!' factor every day, but I press on." Those three words continue to push me, to haunt me, to encourage me. "I press on." That's what I encourage you to do. Press on. Sometimes life does get a little slow. But when those moments come, Bam! (I feel like Emeril!) God comes shining through. He's there all the time, you know. It's in those moments that I fall on my knees realizing who He is. I hope you have many of those moments in your life. In the meantime, won't you join me in this journey? It'll make it even more fun. Have a great day. JW

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