Thursday, August 30, 2007

The Blame Game

A report just came out blaming the Virginia Tech administration for acting fast enough to save a number of lives killed by a deranged young man. Here's a thought. Let's blame the deranged young man for senselessly killing over 30 fellow human beings. We're acting as if killing people is a common thing. It happens all the time and if we had just done something.
We blame so many things. Let's put the blame right where it belongs. Satan is a liar. He is a roaring lion. He is the father of lies. He is the one who should be blamed.
This is an extreme case, but it happens in our lives, too. "You make me mad!" we scream. Not really. The other person may know what buttons to push, what things to say. But it's really me who decides to become angry. When we sin, we are quick to point out what others should have done so I wouldn't have done that.
Ah, once again in our negative world we look to blame. Lord, forgive us. Forgive us when we blame everyone except for the one who needs to be blamed. I hope your day is a good one. JW

P.S. My son and I leave for a family reunion tomorrow. I'm really looking forward to seeing family and I'm really looking forward to spending time with my son. I hope he's interested in family history because he's going to get a boat load of it! See you next week. Happy Labor Day!

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