Thursday, March 06, 2008

Discouraged? Just Wait

What's the saying? "It's always darkest before the dawn." Have you ever felt abandoned? Forgotten? Alone? What's worse is you feel it's God who has abandoned and forgotten you. If you're in one of those periods, my friend, take heart. It can change suddenly, it can gradually change. But it will change, I promise, it will change. And the thing is, if it doesn't change now, it will change when you enter your final home.
How can I say that? Well, I was reading about Joseph. His brothers hated him; sold him to some Midianites who sold him in Egypt. His first job ended in false accusations and jail time. He was put in charge of the prisoners. (Nice job, huh?) He interpreted two dreams which both came true. His only request? Just remember me when you get back to Pharoah. Two years later Pharoah had a dream. "Oh, I forgot. There's a guy in prison who specializes in dream interpretation. One moment Joseph is dirty, unshaven, all prisony (is that a word?) and he's called to Pharoah's presence. And within a few minutes he's clean-shaven and is number two in the land only to Pharoah. He's given a wife and his two kids he names "Forget" and "Double Prosperity."
So take heart. Your deliverance may be today. It could be close. It could not occur (Sounds like a politician, doesn't it?). But God is good. Period. God is good in fabulous times. God is good in horrible times. And He never leaves us and He never will. Hang in there. We win in the end. Have a great day. JW

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