Tuesday, March 11, 2008

It's Not My Fault

Okay, so this lawyer lady goes to a casino and wastes her money. She stays up for 2 or 3 days not eating or sleeping. She's gambling like crazy. She's being treated as a high roller. After spending about $1 million (and losing it), she decides it wasn't her fault. So now she's suing the casino for $10 million saying they should have stopped her knowing that she was spending too much.
Sound familiar? It's not my fault that this marriage ended. Yeah, I drank all that booze, but he took me down to the bar. I wouldn't have stolen that if they hadn't put it out in plain sight. I wouldn't have......you fill in the blanks for any type of wrong you want and there's a reason why it's not your fault.
I know we're told to bear one another's burdens. But have you read that passage all the way through? If not, here you go:

Galatians 6:1-5 Brothers, if someone is caught in a sin, you who are spiritual should restore him gently. But watch yourself, or you also may be tempted. Carry each other's burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ. If anyone thinks he is something when he is nothing, he deceives himself. Each one should test his own actions. Then he can take pride in himself, without comparing himself to somebody else, for each one should carry his own load.

See that? "...each one should carry his own load." In other words, we need to take responsibility for our own faults. We need to own up to our mistakes. Here's what we forget. God is so willing to forgive. He's so willing to overlook. He just is looking for pure hearts who hurt when there is sin. Like David who wept. Like Paul who said he was chief sinner #1. I think that's the difference. So buck up. Don't blame anybody else. If you feel as if you need to blame somone, blame Satan. He's the father of lies and the source of all evil. But by all means, own up to your mistakes and allow God to work His wonderful love. Have a great day. JW

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