Monday, July 25, 2005

Are You Ready?

One of our little boys from church had surgery this morning. I visited with his mother who is a nurse and understands the goings on of surgery. But this is different. This is her baby. I totally understand. She still remains clinical and factual. She told me this morning before he went into the operating room he asked, "Mom, can I die from this?" She asked him if he meant this kind of surgery on his leg or just surgery in general. He meant surgery in general. You know the answer to that as well as I do. She told him, "Yes, but people have this kind of surgery all the time and it would be very rare." It seemed to satisfy him.
I think he has a valid question. Am I going to die at work? Probably not, but stranger things have happened. There have been car accidents, heart attacks and strokes, and ask the people in Washington, D.C. and New York city if someone can die at work. The point is, are we ready? I know most of us are never completely ready especially if we're talking of dying at a fairly young age. But what is our relationship with God like right this very moment? Take a moment and think about that. Really? How is it? That seems to be the important question.
There's a perennial question about the second coming of Christ. Some say it is the bodily return of Jesus that signifies the end of the world. Others say it was the destruction of Jerusalem in 70 A.D. I've never gotten too caught up in the arguments for those because I think we miss the point. In those passages, the question is, "What kind of people should we be?" We must be ready.
Can we die from living life? Yes we can. But then, I don't worry about that too much. At least I try not to. Neither should you. Instead, we should concentrate on your relationship to the Sovereign Lord, El Shaddai, the All-Sufficient God. Have a great day. JW

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