Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Whatever It Takes

The older I get the more contrasts I see in life. Yesterday couldn't have been more clear. Please don't misunderstand since I've talked about death a lot lately. I don't have a morbid sense of life or death. It just seems that I have been going to more funerals lately. (By the way, when my parents were still alive, I remember calling them and they would tell me of a funeral they had attended. "Did you know them?" I would ask. "No, not really, but we knew his brother's sister's cousin's aunt. Honest, the funerals I have gone to lately have either been people I've know well or those I have done the service.)
C.F. was a faithful Christian man. His son is a preacher. His grandson attends church where I preach. His grandaughter was a classmate of my daughter's in college. He was a rancher, a farmer, a good man. I talked to his son, Bruce, before the funeral. Bruce had a smile on his face even though he was hurting. We visited a few minutes about how C.F. was in a much better place and how we didn't know how people with no faith could make it through such times. I assured Bruce of the welcoming committee that greeted C.F. as he entered his reward. Bruce appreciated our visit, I could tell.
Soon after the funeral, I visited my brother. My brother is not a Christian. Almost immediately, the conversation moved to our mother's death. "I'm having a hard time handling this," he said to me. I admitted that I have had similar feelings, but Mom's resting place is assured. I'm so happy for her because she is where she wants to be, in a place with no tears, no sorrows.
When I got home, the contrast was so stark. Here is a man who just lost his father and he had a smile on his face. He'll miss him terribly, but he'll see him again one day. Another man had lost his mother and couldn't handle it. Could it be that he's thinking he may never see her again?
To all of my friends out there, we get so caught up in life that we forget the most important thing. And the most important thing in life is to keep the most important thing in life the most important thing. Whatever it takes to be together with the Savior, that needs to be our business. That needs to be our life. Don't get caught up in the foolish pursuits that Satan wants us to chase. . .these silly little diversions that seem so big now. Whatever it takes, I want you to be there, with me, with the rest of us. Whatever it takes. Have a great day. JW

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