Thursday, December 01, 2005

Called Back From Galilee

I saw something yesterday that I had never seen before. (Why is it so many posts begin that way?) I was studying for Wednesday evening class and came across something intriguing. I was looking into some of the things Peter had done before Jesus' death. I think we're awfully hard on Peter, but nevertheless here is what I saw. Let me explain by asking some questions.
Where was Jesus crucified? Well, you know. Jerusalem you probably said out loud. Where was Peter in John 21? This is the passage where he says he's going fishing. He sees Jesus cooking breakfast. And there's the whole "Peter do you love me? Feed my sheep" talk. He's in Galilee. Maybe you had seen that before, but I hadn't. Peter had left Jerusalem after Jesus' death. He went back to fishing. (Now that fact I already knew.) But it never occurred to me that he went back to Galilee...several day's journey to go back fishing.
So what't the importance of that? I don't know, it just seems to me there are several interesting observations. The resurrection of Jesus had to seem extremely real to these guys because he did show up in Galilee. They saw Him dead. Now He's in Galilee. Second, Peter was serious. All hope was gone. He was going back to his former life. How many of us do that? We fail. We think we're worthless. I think I'll go back to my life the way it was before. We've all been there. But Jesus never intends us to stay where we are. The word is "transformed."
Three times Jesus asked Peter if he loved Him. I know, I know the Greek words are different. But it is significant that Jesus asked him three times. Didn't Peter deny Jesus three times? "I don't know Him. I don't know Him. I don't know Him." "I love you. I love you. I love you." There Peter. You don't have to go fishing anymore. Let's go back to the original call, "I'll make you fishers of men."
Wow! Scripture surprises me everyday. What do you think? Am I crazy or does this make sense? (You don't have to answer the one about me being crazy). Have a good day. JW

1 comment:

David U said...

Like you, I am convinced Peter had given up. He had hit rock bottom, and probably thought he was not worthy of the calling. The only difference between Peter and Judas was that Judas killed himself. I am convinced that Jesus would have come after Judas too, if he had stayed around long enough.

That's what Jesus does!