Tuesday, March 21, 2006


It's quiet in the house. I got up to check the weather and to see if school would be cancelled. It's not supposed to be snowing now. It's spring. The forsythia are supposed to be blooming. Jonquils are to be pushing their way up through the ground.
But a lot of things happen in life that aren't supposed to. Little babies aren't supposed to die. Car wrecks shouldn't happen. And mothers with children aren't supposed to have to have chemo treatments.
What I do know is that God is in control. Twila Paris' song "God is in control. We believe that His children will not be forsaken." With all the uncertainties in life, all the pain, all the struggles, there is one constant. God is there and He is in control. He knows the big picture and He has a place prepared. Ah....there's peace. Have a great day. JW

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