Saturday, May 13, 2006

Happy Mother's Day

My brother wrote this poem in honor of our mother back several years ago. And although our mother died a little over a year ago, I think this tribute poem expresses our love for all the mothers out there.


This day, those many years ago,
This day, I did not watch you go
Alone into the vale of death,
Alone, to breath the dark wind's breath.

But I was there, and from the night
Your struggles brought me to the light.
Your pain and tears afforded me
To taste the gift of life: to be.

You'd walked that lonely path before,
You were to tread it two times more;
Four times into the night you went,
And reappeared, your spirit spent.

Four times a son you brought to day;
Each time you gave yourself away.
Each time you set your brick to ground,
To build the wall, to make it sound.

The "heaven-sent" that 12th of May
Was you whose heart was filled with day;
And from your heart I've learned to live,
To sing, to pray, to laugh, to give.

The son who writes these words tonight
Remembers you with sweet delight,
And whispers in his other's ear:

--Charles White

It says it all. Happy Mother's Day! JW

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