Tuesday, May 17, 2005

What Happened?

I was reminiscing last night. Going through the old photo albums of our trip to France which happened nearly a year ago. I was looking at the pictures from Notre Dame a Paris. (I can't get the diacritical marks on the e in Dame and the a.) There were pictures of great cathedrals where people worshiped. Beautiful statues of Jesus in his lifeless form being taken down off the cross. There were carvings of the apostles looking at Jesus after his resurrection. Thomas is placing his hand in Jesus' side.
Then I wonder, "What happened?" Why are the places of worship empty? Why is the world becoming increasingly secular? Why do people not care? My brother who has been a missionary for over 25 years may have an answer. When I asked him the same question, he responded, "Terrible things have been done in the name of Jesus." I still feel the pang in my heart as I remember those words.
It still happens today. We're less than encouraging to struggling souls. We ostracize and look down our nose at those who are not dressed as well as we are. We cringe when "those people" come among our midst. We eliminate, draw lines, exclude, and we tend to become very happy in our country club church. And we wonder why people aren't drawn to the church. What happened? JW

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