Saturday, September 03, 2005

The Best of Times, The Worst of Times

Dickens began his book A Tale of Two Cities by saying, "It was the best of times, it was the worst of times." I have had a hard time really understanding what he was trying to say until now. With the Hurricane Katrina tragedy, we have seen the worst in people. Looting and stealing have been chronicled by network television. I read where there had been something like 6 murders and 12 rapes in the Superdome. Relief planes couldn't land at the airport because they were being shot at.
On the other hand, the governor of Alabama launched Operation Golden Rule where he encouraged people to help people and to treat them as they would like to be treated in this horrible tragedy. In talking to a friend of mine who is the president of an oil company, he told me he has reminded his employees that, yes, this is a business loss for them, but there are thousands of people who have lost their lives and their possessions. It was heart warming to see he had his priorities straight. My uncle from Ohio called me and told me they had supplies going from the Columbus area to northern Louisiana for eventual distribution in the ravaged area.
The best of times and the worst of times. Why is it that these kinds of events bring out the worst in people? And the best? Count your blessings. Thanks for being you. JW

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