Thursday, September 15, 2005


In studying the Sermon on the Mount, I have found that everything that was being in the religious world at the time was topsy-turvey. The Jews tried to make sure they were doing things right. Jesus came along and said to do the right thing, with the right motives.
When my children were young (yours did this, too, if you have children) I would give them a directive. They would respond, "Why?" I would follow with a very good reason. "Why?" they would once again respond. Another good reason. "Why?" Finally, out of frustration I would blurt, "Because I said so!"
I'm not trying to reduce God to a frustrated parent who sits in His celestial Lazy-Boy chair and shouts out directives. And when we don't respond, He shouts, "Because I said so!" It all depends on a relationship where we decide to please Him. When will we learn that it's better to obey God than to push the envelope, go to the edge of the cliff, or execute just what we need to do to get by? It's with open and loving hearts we obey without question. It isn't a matter of looking good on the outside so the world can see. Rather, we follow because our hearts say it's the right thing to do. Have a great day. Brian and Karen, give Mickey a hug. Happy birthday, Joel!! JW

1 comment:

Karen said...

Mickey got many hugs, and Joel had "the best birthday ever." Wish you all were here for this leg of the journey! Adios and vaya con Dios!