Tuesday, November 01, 2005

How Do We View God?

I'm reading a new book on God. I'll give you the title later if I end up liking the book. So far, it's really good. The author says the way we act and live our lives is dependent on our view of God. If we think God is harsh and punishes at the drop of a hat, we'll live our lives on egg shells. If we think that God is just like us, we'll be glib and trite in the way we live because, "God is just like us!" Think about that thought for a minute. Isn't that true? Don't we live our lives in the way that we view God? I'll reserve my thoughts for later. Today is your day to speak. What do you think? (By the way, have a great day! JW)

1 comment:

Karen said...

Well you know you've got my curiosity piqued. Certainly our view of God will affect how we live, but I'm sure there are more ways to view him than those 2 ways. And is there "one right way"?