Wednesday, January 25, 2006


We are to learn from the past. To paraphrase, "Those who do not know history are destined to repeat it." I've been reading through the history of Israel once again in my journey through the Bible. I've hitched a ride with them as they left Egypt. I've been re-amazed (is that a word?) with their rebelious spirit. They griped and complained while they were in captivity. They moaned the fact that they had it better in Egypt. Thus came the manna and the quail. They wondered where the next water would come from. God provided as usual. Then a man by the name of Korah came up and basically asked who made Moses the big guy. That's history just through the middle of Numbers. I haven't even listed all of them.
If you read the book of Jude, he lists the examples of rebellion. He mentions the Israelites and the Egyptian experience. Sodom and Gomorrah, angels (something we really don't know about), Cain, Balaam, and Korah.
It's easy for me to stand in judgement of this people and give them the "shame on you" speech. But I, too, am rebelious. Content to follow my own ways and seek my own purposes, demanding that God come to terms with my agenda, my time table. And the question comes, "What have we learned from the past?" What have I learned from the past?
So my prayer today: Dear God, please forgive my rebellious nature. Help me to seek Your will in all I do. Make your plans succeed, not mine. Allow Your Word to excel. All I ask is that you let me be in You. In Jesus name. Amen. JW

1 comment:

David U said...

that'll preach, brother!

Looking forward to PU Lectures!