Monday, August 15, 2005

Another Moment

Not too long ago, I told you of an incident that happened at Nebraska Youth Camp where my fifteen year old son kissed me goodbye. Well, Karen, go get the Kleenexes.
This time it was Green Valley Bible Camp and it was Saturday night. Sunday is when everyone shows up, but we got there early for obvious reasons. My co-directing partner was going to be a few days late (turns out he didn't show up until Thursday), so I was by myself in the camper. I had been praying for each camper. Then I picked up a book I was reading and began perusing the pages. When I heard footsteps. Tap, tap, tap on the door. "Come in," I said. It was my son. The distance from his cabin to my cabin was quite a distance. And it was down hill one way and obviously up hill the other. "I just wanted to say goodnight, daddy." He still calls me "daddy" in private moments. Once again he came over and kissed me. And then he was gone.
The book I had been reading? God is Closer than You Think by John Ortberg. He talks of seeing God in the small things, the small moments. It was as if God was saying, "Okay, Jim. I'm going to knock your legs out from under you." Okay, okay. I get the picture. Pay attention to the little moments. There may be huge events happening in the kisses, the whispers, and the slight touches. Be looking for God in everything. Have a great day! JW

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