Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Norton Security and Conscience

I have a cool device on my computer that works pretty well. It's an ad blocker. I also have it so that it works on my e-mail and it works surprisingly well. Those of you in blogger land know what this is, so it's nothing new to you. But it blocks any unwanted ad or e-mail from making it to your screen.
Don't you wish you had one of those devices for your mind? A little sin thought here and wham! it's put in a file where you don't see it. You see something you shouldn't and boom! it's off to another place in your brain. We do have something that does that. It's called "conscience." When programmed just right, it does just that...removes those thoughts, those images, those things that mess up the mind. But when our consciences are "seared with a hot iron" as Paul says, the Norton Security of the Brain doesn't work.
Where do we get this device for the brain? It comes from the Scripture and it's maintained and driven by the Holy Spirit. I have heard people complain that they just can't keep these thoughts from going through their heads. To which I heard somebody say, "You can't keep the birds from flying over your head, but you can keep them from building a nest in your hair." Have a great day. JW

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