Thursday, September 28, 2006


I have been finishing up my sermon for Sunday this morning. It's about the greatest commandment. Jesus said to love God with everything in you and the second greatest was to love your neighbor as yourself. Luke tells us that the guy asked Jesus, "...and just who is my neighbor?" Hence, the story of the Good Samaritan. Now I'm a busy guy with things to do, people to see, places to go.
The church secretary comes in and says that someone wants to see me. It's the typical benevolence case. The man brings his little boy in. Just moved here. No money, no food, no gas for the car. My first reaction is to get rid of him. But then the words hit me, "and just who is my neighbor?" Okay, Lord, you don't have to hit me in the face with this one anymore. I gave him the money in my pocket. I gave him food. I gave him my card. I don't know if it was enough, but my prayer with him and his son was that God multiply what I gave him just like he did the loaves and the fishes.
Maybe if I just wasn't so dense. If I just would take the hints from God and follow him, my life would be so much simpler. Perhaps I'd be more caring and loving. And maybe, just maybe, I would be more like Jesus. What would Jesus do? Have a great day. JW

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