Thursday, April 21, 2005


We talked last night in class about prejudice. After class, I talked with an African-American friend of mine. He talked of growing up in Chicago and being arrested by police just for walking down the street. Verbal abuse was used and if there was any reaction, the night stick was brought out. The "n" word was used often and without regard to the feelings of the other. I've never experienced anything like that. He told me that it wasn't that bad in Omaha. He said it happened only once. The matter-of-fact way he said it almost made me shiver. Once is too many times.
I admit I have my own prejudices that I'm working on. But remember a song we used to sing years ago? Did we just not believe it? "Jesus loves the little children. All the children of the world. Red and yellow, black and white, they are precious in His sight. Jesus loves the little children of the world."
Are we to assume that Jesus loves the little children, but when they grow up He allows us to hate them? Of course not! Charles Swindoll, in his book Getting Through the Tough Stuff, states that prejudice is a learned trait. That's so true. Children aren't naturally prejudice. I'll lay this out for you. What do your children learn from you? Be cognizant of your words, your deeds, your manner for a few days. What do your kids learn about people from you? I hope it's good. Paul said, "For there is no difference between Jew and Gentile--the same Lord is Lord of all..." (Romans 10:12) Have a great day! JW

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