Thursday, April 28, 2005

When It's All Bad

What do you say to someone when their life is going from bad to worse? "Aw, it'll be all right. You just have to have some faith. You'll be all right." That doesn't work. I know. I've tried it.
What I have found that works is that I don't have all the answers. That I'm so sorry life is unfair, especially right now. Let's make sure we lay the blame where it needs to be--on Satan and not on God. Then, there has to be true and sincere empathy. The Bible says that we are to rejoice with those who rejoice and to weep with those who weep.
Life isn't fair. I tell that to my kids all the time. Maybe they are about to get it because they haven't said that in a long time. Perhaps they haven't been through the fire lately.
But you might be. I'm so sorry that Satan does that to you. But I want you to know something, and of this I'm very sure. God will never leave you. Never. I can promise you that. When all else in inconsistent, He is the only consistent in the mix. And he cares. Paul tells the Corinthians that God is the God of all comfort. When you're weeping in the midst of pain, it's God who holds you closely and says to you, "There, there, my child. I'm here." JW

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