Saturday, April 30, 2005

Remember Saturdays?

Remember when Saturday mornings were for sleep? There was not a care in the world, there was no job to go to, and there was nothing pressing except for your head on that pillow. But forget Saturdays. There doesn't even seem to be weekends anymore. It's go, go, go from the moment you get up. And that's another frustrating thing. We've all gotten older so to sleep in is virtually impossible. Either you have to get up and go to the bathroom. Or your old time clock wakes you up at your normal working day hour...i.e. 6:00 am.
Then, because I'm a preacher, Sundays are work days. So it's up to preach which is physically demanding believe it or not. Then there is whatever activity is going on in the afternoon. Usually a meeting, potluck or some other kind of gathering.
But then, that's what makes life fun. It's a mission. It's purpose. It's fun. Now go out there and do some work. It's Saturday!! JW

By the way, I'll not be blogging until Thursday. Talk to you then.

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