Thursday, October 20, 2005

Did Not Know the Lord

Do you believe that you can be around the spiritual all the time, hear songs of praise, be a good person, see acts of righteousness and obedience and still not know God? Of course you do. It happens all the time. I just didn't think it could happen in a place of worship. But it did.
Check I Samuel 3. You know the story. Hannah had no children. She prayed to God and promised to give the first child she had to God. She conceived and gave her son, Samuel, to Eli to be raised by him. Eli's sons were evil, doing what was right in their own eyes. Hannah came to visit her son with a new ephod every year. There you have it.
Now here's a kid who has been working in the temple. He's seen the sacrifices. He's supposed to know what's going on with the Israelites. See verse 7 of chapter 3. "Now Samuel did not yet know the Lord." It blew me away when I read that. Think of all the lessons from this.
1. Just being at the church building doesn't mean you know God.
2. You can be all around things that are spiritual and still not know God.
3. Maybe what was going on at the temple wasn't necessarily spiritual.
4. What does this mean to me?
I ask you that last question. What does this mean to me? Am I truly sincere about my walk or am I just faking it. Someone said, "If you can't be sincere, fake it." I'm afraid that's what happens all too often. Am I just going through the motions? Do I do what I do just to look good? That was the problem of the Pharisees. And sometimes, that's my problem. I would hope I would truly know the Lord. Not just the facts, i.e. born in Jerusalem, father was Joseph, mother was Mary, 12 apostles, 33 when he died, crucified on a cross, etc. But do I really know Him? Do I talk to Him? Do I have a relationship? Do I want to be like Him? Do I really know Him? Go out and have a good day. And get to know Him. JW

1 comment:

David U said...

Great post, my brother! I have been a Samuel at times in my life, and I a have seen goo-gobs of them!
"they honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me".

Keep em coming, dude!